Inclusive Stars Academy is a unique and special project, created by an autistic person with a desire to transform education and the lives of atypical families. Our mission is to help parents and caregivers better understand their children by offering valuable tools for more inclusive, respectful, and welcoming education.
Here, we believe that every child is a star with their own shine, and our goal is to guide these stars on a path of discovery, acceptance, and learning. We know that the journey of educating an atypical child can be challenging, but it is also full of joys and achievements. That’s why we’re here to share knowledge, practical strategies, and, above all, support.
Inclusive Stars Academy was born from the desire to build a community where autistic children and their families find understanding, care, and effective ways to overcome barriers. Our commitment is to offer a safe and inclusive space where everyone can be heard and supported in their uniqueness.
We believe in the power of inclusion and in the potential of every child. Together, we can create a brighter future for our little ones, where they can truly be understood and loved for who they are.
CNPJ: 39.736.110/0001-51 – ERALDO SOBRAL DE LIMA | all rights reserved